HIT combines an erosion model (RUSLE - Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation1) and a sediment delivery model (SEDMOD - Spatially Explicit Delivery Model2) to calculate annual erosion and sediment loading to streams for areas of the Great Lakes Basin. This combination yields two outputs: field-scale maps identifying areas at risk for erosion and sediment loading, and tonnage estimates for erosion and sediment loading at watershed scales. This on-line tool allows users to interact with these data spatially, and evaluate the potential impacts of best management pracitces (BMPs) on selected watersheds.

HIT's modeling design was initially implemented over a multi-year partnership between the Institute of Water Research(IWR) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
IWR refined the model design and developed an initial version of the on-line tool as part of a pilot project, supported with a USDA-NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant and the Michigan Department of Agriculture.
View information about the HIT pilot project:

Original HIT Website

HIT Brochure

HIT Tutorial

HIT Powerpoint (
1. Renard, K.; Foster, G.; Weesies, G.; McCool, D.; Yoder, D. Predicting Soil Erosion by Water: A Guide to Conservation Planning with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). USDA, Agriculture Handbook Number 703, 1996.
2. Fraser, R. SEDMOD: A GIS-based Delivery Model for Diffuse Source Pollutants (doctoral dissertation. Yale University. May 1999.
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Institute of Water Research, All Rights Reserved 2010.